Special pieces – hand made cotto

Hand Made Cotto Special pieces – hand made cotto SPECIAL PLECES – HAND MADE COTTO Hand made by an old craft method. Abrasive, rough surface presenting characteristic changing shades of colours. [table id=88 /] [table id=89 /] [table id=90 /] [table id=91...


Mosaics MOSAICS Our Mosaic range is characterized by a wide variety of geometric patterns, obtained by the combination of pieces of different shapes and in combination of the two typical Cotto Furnò colours: Rosato Natura (Pink) and Giallo Fiammato (Yellow). The...

Hand Made Cotto

Hand Made Cotto Special pieces – hand made cotto HAND MADE COTTO Hand Made Cotto is manufactured by an old traditional craft method, entirely by hand. The moist mixture of clay is moulded in special shaped wooden frames and manually pressed by hand in order to...

Rustico spessorato

COTTO ESTRUSO – RUSTICO SPESSORATO Materiale estruso di tonalità rosata, con superficie a taglio di filo, ruvida anti-sdrucciolevole. Per il suo spessore (da 2,5 cm; o da 3,7 cm), il suo peso e l’elevata resistenza meccanica, risulta particolarmente indicato per...